"You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want, but I know.. I know…"
"Don't reach out for me." She begged, she cried. She only wish this to finally work out, just this once, just this lifetime. She wanted to end her life. She need to be left alone in the darkness, where even she couldn't be able to see the stars above.
- The girl who kept on dreaming forever, decided she needed to wake up.
"I will."But he waited all too long to get this chance. To drag her back, just this once, just this lifetime. He wanted to be a hero. He needed to make himself proud, to know he finally did something right, that he finally helped someone. "Always."
- The boy who just couldn't give up a chance to be happy, took the wrong turn.
I just wanna die.
"You say you wanna die, but in reality, you just want t o b e s a v e d ."
People will never stop making mistakes.
As they go, as they live, they never get anything right. And until they do, it's forgotten, because human nature allows it to fade, oh so quickly. It seems as though the people who do get it right are the only ones who deserve heaven.
"You are going to certain death."
"All death is certain."
-Kingdom Of Heaven.
(Cause you can never get enough of those three Topless-Orlando scenes. )
Well…As for… My life.. Eh, yeah, not interesting. PC's still not up. But I'm not surprised my brother lied to me regarding it. ^^ Hmm..What else, let's see. Ehh..Well, other then that things are quite normal. My idol hates my guts and won't talk to me, I can't catch my best-friend on MSN, I got myself three new sins, I started getting hated by everyone around me, and to top it all, I am being forced to start everything all over again. And I'm just too damn tired to change myself again. I finally started to like who I am. I finally started enjoying what I say, what I do, how I react to things, and what I want. The next day, all my friends were like, "OMG! What happened to you?!!? You're so not like yourself…" … And of course I'm exaggerating, but that's not the point. Point is – Nobody's ever gonna be pleased with who you are. Ever. It's not only that one person will always dislike you, it’s that nobody, and I mean nobody, will ever accept you. So then you come to the conclusion you just shouldn't care. But then that one person you truly love hates you. So you change, all the time, to fit his ever-changing needs. And that sucks too. In one sentence, I'll give you this:
Life isn't worth living.