לדף הכניסה של ישרא-בלוג
לדף הראשי של nana10
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חפש בבלוג זה

Lilim’’s Abode

אמ...אני אדם מורכב מדי מכדי שיהיה אפשר לתאר אותי בכמה מילים בודדות.עדיף שפשוט תנסו להכיר אותי, על כל המורכבויות שכרוכות בכך.

Avatarכינוי:  AsMaDeus

בן: 33


מלאו כאן את כתובת האימייל
שלכם ותקבלו עדכון בכל פעם שיעודכן הבלוג שלי:

הצטרף כמנוי
בטל מנוי

RSS: לקטעים  לתגובות 

הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

The Deeper Cut

לא יודע אם מישהו עדיין קורא כאן... בכל אופן כשכתבתי כאן לפני יותר מ-3 וחצי שנים שהתחלתי ללמוד נהיגה וקיבלתי תגובה ממישהי שלפי מה שכתוב בבלוג שלה הייתה בת יותר מ-20 שאמרה: "בהצלחה עם הרשיון מקווה שילך יותר טוב משהולך לי..", לא הבנתי מה יכול לעכב קבלת רישיון עד כדי כך שגם אחרי גיל 20 "לא הלך לה" איתו... ובכן, הייתי תמים... לא ייאמן כמה הכל השתנה מאז. זה כל מה שיש לי להוסיף מעבר לזה:


You are all defining me
Like you know me inside out
And if I'd let it get to me
You'd damage me beyond repair

I have always done my best
To block it out and keep myself
But lately it has been so hard
And I don't know where I end and you start

These are the words that I have bled
These are the tears that I have shed
These are the bleak roads that I dread
This is the home to which they led

Can you hear me now?
Can you see me now?
Can you touch me now?

Deep inside I'm GONE
Deep inside I'm GONE
Deep inside I'm GONE
Deep inside I'm GONE

And I have given more than most
I've fucking overdosed on honesty
But then, when I've given everything
Then what will there be left of me?

And who'll stand by this troubled man
With a burning mind and a fever inside?
See, if I cannot direct this flame
It might just burn everything in it's way

These are the words that I have bled
These are the tears that I have shed
These are the bleak roads that I dread
This is the home to which they led

Can you hear me now?
Can you see me now?
Can you touch me now?

Deep inside I'm GONE
Deep inside I'm GONE
Deep inside I'm GONE
Deep inside I'm GONE

I just never seem to be enough
You're too many mouths to feed
Too many reached out hands to hold
Too many broken hearts to heal
And in the end, I'll spread too thin
And gently overbleed
Sadly overestimating
The amount of me

I'll let you crawl into my head
I'll let you crawl under my skin
I'll let you taste every tear I've shed
I'm always letting you right in

So crawl over the words I've bled
I'm not really there
Undress and crawl into my bed
I'm not really there
I'm gone
Oh yeah
You see
Deep inside I'm GONE

All my life I have been afraid.
All my life scared to lose my way.
All my life led me to today.
The day when I must learn the hardest way.
Every step leading to this day.
The day I learn to lose and fail.
A deeper cut into the flesh of life.
A sharper kind of knife.
A deeper cut into the throat of grey.
Come take me far away.
Come take me far away.
Lead me astray.
The deepest cut will never really mend.
The deepest cut might kill you in the end.
The deepest cut is playing not to win.
It's what you hear in every word I sing.
It's beauty in the ugliest of things.
It's birds that fly with broken wings.
A deeper cut into the flesh of life.
A sharper kind of knife.
A deeper cut into the throat of grey.
Come colors lead the way.
Come colors lead the way.
Into the wild.
Into the wild...
Today I go beyond control.
Beyond all purpose aim or goal.
To win my soul.
'Cause today I choose to lose my way.
To fall and fail.
I choose the wilderness today.
Into the wild...

נכתב על ידי AsMaDeus , 2/5/2012 17:53  
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